Top Reason to Use a Spousal Visa Processing Company
If you need to get your spouse to join you at your work or retirement destination, consider going to a Spousal Visa Processing Company to help you out with the visa application and acceptance process. This will ensure a hassle-free and successful experience while applying for a visa, saving you both time and money, as well as guaranteeing you a successful visa for your spouse, nearly all of the time.
With such a tantalizingly lucrative deal in front of you, it is easy to see why so many prefer using Spousal Visa companies instead of applying by themselves. Some of the benefits of using a Spousal Visa Processing Company are:
1. They double-check your documents
The Spousal Visa Processing Company will ensure that your documents are in order and valid and that you do not miss any documents while applying. This will ensure that your visa application will get through, saving you time and money spent on rejected applications.
The company has experience in dealing with Spousal Visas and can direct you in the right way to apply and the best way to get your visa quickly, making it a good choice to let someone far more experienced dealing with the bureaucratic processes and pitfalls that accompany a visa application, as you might already know.
In the uncertain and turbulent world of visa applications, it helps to have an experienced hand leading you through the dark and deep seas of documents and directives. Which one of us will deny a helping hand to pull us out of stormy waters, after all?
2. Save on the hassle of applying
The Spousal Visa Processing Company also saves you the hassle of having to go and apply yourself. You have to turn in the documents and fees to the company, who will take care of all the application requirements and deadlines for you, saving you the hassle and pains of having to apply for a visa on your own.
In today’s fast-paced and busy world, it is a great benefit to have someone who has done the application countless times before, for spouses of countless people before you, deal with the now-familiar application processes and bureaucratic forces at play in the dicey world of visas and governmental agencies, saving you time, money, and peace of mind.
Why spend your time in musty offices dealing with paper pushers and bureaucratic loopholes, when you can hire someone to do the menial and dull work for you, ensuring that your time is not wasted on such mindless and dull work, and is spent on far greater things instead.
3. Gain advice and help in the spousal visa application process
Sometimes the process of applying for a visa can seem very challenging and daunting, confusing, and overwhelming too! A Spousal Visa Processing Company can help you through this challenging endeavor by giving you the necessary advice and tips to make your transition process into a smooth and hassle-free one.
The far more experienced and skilled spousal visa company employees know all the major traps and pitfalls that come with such visa applications, and they can lead you with a firm hand through the painful and loopy world of bureaucracy and spousal visas. Their advice will serve you well, because it had been tried and tested time and time again, making their words ironclad and true. They can show you the way out of the dark and deep woods, because though the woods may be lovely and dark and deep, you have miles to go before you can sleep, and your spouse must get their visa to join you and share your life and burdens. This advice can make all the difference between a rejected and wasted application and a successful and productive one, so choose wisely!
Read MoreThe Five Questions You Should Ask in Your K1 Visa Process
What is a K1 Visa?
A K1 visa, more commonly known as a fiancé or fiancée visa, is a nonimmigrant visa which allows the engaged partner of a United States citizen to permanently reside in-country so long as the couple gets married within 90 days of arrival. The newly married spouse is then able to lawfully apply for permanent residency or a green card in the United States. For many, this is the first step towards a legal, permanent residency in the United States where both partners can be together. However, a K1 visa is only eligible if the sponsoring partner is an American citizen, and both partners have terminated any previous marriages.
The Process
The K1 visa application process involves three important steps, including filing an I-129F fiancé visa petition, scheduling a K1 visa interview, and attending the K1 visa interview.
However, acquiring a K1 visa is more complicated than simply filling out paperwork and attending an interview. Both parties must prove that they are indeed a bona fide couple intent on establishing a life together and that they are not marrying for the sole purpose of immigrating to the United States. You must be prepared to prove that you have met in person at least once within the last two years before filing the visa form. Couples can do so by providing flight and hotel itineraries as well as dated photographs. Exceptions do apply for cases that involve extreme hardship, or if meeting in-person violates cultural, religious, or social norms. Regardless of whether or not a couple has been able to meet in person, they must also prove the overall legitimacy of their relationship. This includes photographs, letters or emails between the partners, and even written statements from friends and colleagues.
But what else do you need to know about the K1 visa process? Here are five questions you should be asking:
1. What documents do I need to provide alongside the I-129F petition?
The fiancé visa petition form requires several supporting documents including a cover letter, declaration, and proof of meeting, and commitment to marry. There is also a fee that you must pay when submitting your paperwork. Be sure to ask exactly what is needed as your application will be denied if anything is missing.
2. Where do I go for my medical exam, and what happens if I am denied?
Before attending the interview, the partner entering the United States must complete and pass a medical examination. Exams must be conducted by an embassy-approved doctor, so be sure to ask for referrals or a list of acceptable physicians.
3. How can my children legally enter the United States along with my partner?
K1-visas do not allow children to enter the United States. Be sure to ask what paperwork and criteria must be met for children to legally enter the country.
4. What if my petition is denied?
If your petition is denied, you will receive a letter stating why and how to appeal.
5. Do I need an attorney to apply?
Not necessarily, but if your background check turns up potential issues, you may require legal advice to move forward.
At Olvis immigration and travel, we are the leading experts in providing comprehensive, personalized, and quality visa assistance and other travel services.
Read MoreThe Truth About the K-1 Visa
Are you trying to get a K-1 visa? The process is a bit more difficult if you are in the Philippines, but it isn’t impossible. Here’s how it all works.
What is a K-1 visa?
A K-1 visa may be more commonly known as the fiancé visa. If you are the partner of a US citizen and the two of you get engaged, the K1 visa allows you to enter the United States—just as long as you get married to your fiancé within 90 days of your entry into the country (otherwise you will have to leave the country again). After you are approved for a K-1, are admitted entry, and are married to your partner, you can apply for permanent residence (otherwise known as a green card) as a married spouse.
How does the process differ when you are from the Philippines?
If you are from the Philippines, you are still able to get a K-1 visa. In fact, the Philippines is the country that is most popular for K-1 visas. There is one important difference in eligibility requirements, though. If you are from the Philippines, you are not allowed a joint sponsor for a K-1 visa.
What does this mean for your application?
This means you will have to meet the income requirements for the K-1 visa on your own—without relying on the income of your soon-to-be spouse—before the US embassy or consulate will grant you a K-1 visa. The income requirements act as a safeguard to guarantee that you will be able to support yourself once you are in the country, and they require you to meet 100% of the HHS Poverty Guidelines. For an up-to-date and detailed breakdown of what that income requirement is for your specific situation, take a look at Form I-864P. For instance, as the table shows, as a household of two, you are required to have a current income (which includes your expected total income from all employment sources within the current year, including wages, tips, alimony, child support, capital gains, rental income, workers comp., disability, etc.) of $16,910. Some embassies will allow assets to be considered as income, but this is up to the discretion of the embassy.
Why does the Philippines not allow a joint sponsorship for your K-1 visa?
The rules regarding the K-1 visa vary based on which country you are applying from because each country or embassy has its own rules, governed at its own discretion. Out of over 180 countries, the Philippines is one of four or five that don’t accept joint sponsorship for the K-1 visa.
What are your options?
The plus side is that you have alternative options to the K-1 visa. The best alternative would be to get married and then apply for entry into the US using a CR1 visa. The Philippines does accept joint sponsorship for married couples who are applying for the CR1 visa. There have been rumored instances of individuals applying for a K-1 visa from the Philippines as joint sponsors, but there is no guarantee that this will be accepted, and if your application is rejected, you could face delays. If you are looking into the K-1 visa or the CR1 visa, visit Olvis immigration and travel first. We will help to ensure you meet eligibility criteria, make sure your paperwork is filled out correctly, and help prepare you for the government interviews and other requirements, so the process goes as smoothly as possible.
Read MoreBenefits of the CR1 Spouse Visa
A CR1 spousal visa is issued to foreign nationals who desire to live in the US with their spouses who are citizens of the United States or permanent residents. It is applicable for those couples only who have been married for two years or less. The ‘CR’ in the CR1 spousal visa stands for ‘conditional residency’.
The conditions are that the petitioner must be a US citizen or a permanent resident of the country. The petitioner also needs to meet the income requirement as required for the CR1 spousal visa. The petitioner and the applicant also need to be legally married to each other. You can apply to remove the conditions by filing the I-751 form along with your spouse. The conditions are only present to minimize immigration-related frauds.
For those who have been married for more than two years, there is a different visa available for them.

There are many benefits of the CR1 spousal visa.
Permanent Residency
The CR1 spousal visa comes with the benefit of the applicant getting the permanent residency card (the Green Card) immediately upon arrival to the US.
If there is no problem with the visa, you will receive your permanent residency card within 7-10 business days of your arrival to the US. You won’t need to go through the adjustment of status (AOS) process if you receive the permanent residency. The AOS is the process to help immigrants with CR1 or other immigrant visas to apply for the Green Card.
If you enter the country with a fiancée/fiancé K1 visa, you don’t get this benefit. In fact, the validity of the K1 visa is just 90 days.
The Cost-Savings Benefits
When you don’t need to go through the AOS process, you can save the money you would have otherwise spent on the fee required for it. The cost of filing the application and all that is required for the process can be significant. The overall cost can depend on paying for the relevant forms, the application, and other fees associated with the process.
When you enter the US on a CR1 spousal visa, you will not need to pay additionally for the AOS process. You are automatically entitled to receive your permanent residency upon arrival to the US.
The Saving of Time
When you can get your permanent residency card based on your CR1 visa status, you save a lot of time in applying for additional documents to stay in the US.
In some countries like the Philippines, the processing time for the CR1 spousal visas is also short. You can expect it within 5-10 months based on your specific situation. The rest of the process will depend on your specific situation. The important thing is to file the visa application without errors and answer correctly to all the interview questions.
If you are unsure of applying correctly for the CR1 spousal visa, you can work with visa processing companies or specialists to help you with the process.
Fewer Hassles
When you can save time and money involved for the permanent residency due to your CR1 spousal visa, you automatically save yourself, your spouse, and your family from a lot of stress.
The visa application process can be quite tiresome. If you manage to make any errors on the application form, you can further delay the process and add more stress involved with it. So, the fewer applications you need to file, the fewer hassles you will experience related to it.
The Freedom to Work and Travel
As you will receive your permanent residency card soon after arrival to the US based on the CR1 spousal visa, it will be legal for your work in the country. You can also easily travel outside the US as you won’t need any new visa to re-enter the country. The CR1 spousal visa itself is valid for a period of six months from the date of issuance. So, armed with these benefits and the quick processing of your permanent residency card, you can begin your normal life with your spouse in the US soon after your arrival in the country.
Read MoreHow to Get an SRRV Visa
The Importance of SRRV
SRRV Visa Philippines is typically a distinctive non-immigrant visa, which is very much different from the various other types of visas. The key intention of the government is to make the country as a favorite retirement abode for foreigners, including the Pilipino nationals who have settled down in some other countries. What makes the Philippines a friendly destination for retirement is the overall favorable living conditions, in particular, the prevailing peaceful ambiance and the warmer temperature, which makes life lively and the low living cost. The affable nature of the Philipinos makes the place all the more pleasant. Those who get the SRRV Visa Philippines can enjoy certain positive benefits.
Main Benefits
• The individual can stay permanently and enjoy numerous exit/entry rights. This means that there is the official guarantee that one can live, retire, and also invest in the country, in line with his or her need or wish.
• Will be entitled to the ‘Greet & Assist’ service, which will make the checking in and checking out from the airports effortless and speedy.
• Will have the benefits and rights of the ‘PhilHealth’ program, which is a social insurance program aimed to provide universal health coverage to the Pilipino nationals.
• The individuals concerned will be exempted from the obligation of ACR-1 card, which is issued by the government to all foreign nationals as an identification card.
• The annuities and pensions will be tax-free.
• Quality education at affordable fees for the kids.
• The individual can work anywhere in the country on getting the AEP (Alien Employment Permit).
How to Get an SRRV Visa
SRRV is the government’s commitment to the foreign nationals and the expatriate Philipinos as regards having a peaceful retired life in the country. There are lots of entailed processes while applying for the SRRV Visa Philippines. The applicant or the applicants will have to do a lot of running around for getting the paper works ready. Hence, it is always wise to take the help of an expert immigration help company to make the processes speedy and easier. It is not practical to do all the related works individually, as it will lead add up the complications, and this will hinder the process.
All of the entailed documentary works must be done precisely in line with the requirement, and the applicant must pay the needed amount; then, the agent will prepare the SRR Visa application. The agent will present this application to the ‘Bureau of Immigration’ for obtaining the official sanction. In general, the ‘immigration bureau’ will process the application within a time frame of one week or maximum, ten days. After this official approval, the applicant will get the PRA ID card (Philippine Retirement Authority ID card). This is a bona fide document and is termed as the ‘Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)’.
When the applicant gets this card, he or she is exempted from the yearly registration requirement, re-entry permit, exit clearance, etc. One will have to submit various documental proofs such as the Passport with the recent visa stamp, PRA application form (fully and appropriately filled), birth and marriage certificates, bank certification, photos, medical clearance documents, police clearance document, etc. There are application fees and annual fees for the applicants and for the dependents. However, only when the application scrutiny is over, and the application is accepted, one will have to pay the money.
Take the Advice from Experts
It’s imperative that one should obtain the advice and assistance of a specialized immigration and visa support company that has a proven track record in providing peerless service to its customers. This is vital for obtaining the SRRV Visa Philippines easily and without any official delay. Experience counts a lot and guarantees perfection and dependability. You can choose a travel and immigration company, which is well experienced. When you see that a company has more than 3 decades of practical experience in dealing with the various intricacies that are par for the course of the process, you can certainly deem it as an experienced and reliable agency.
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